Preschool Parent and Family Resources
Iowa Boys High School Athletic Association
Ruthven, Iowa Home Page
Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union
The School Counselor has paper copies of the ACT Prep. Comprehensive electronic copies are available, to order, on this site.
ACT Registration & Info Website
All Juniors and Seniors should take the ACT, at least once, to keep their post-secondary options open. It's recommended to re-take it if you are needing a higher score to qualify for a scholarship or college entrance requirement. Many students earn a higher score the 2nd or 3rd time, that they take the ACT. Applications for fee waivers are available, check with the counselor for more info. Check Test Registration & Test Dates/ Locations CAREFULLY.
River Valley Telecommunications Coop Website
Noodle can help you find great educational opportunities, from graduate degrees to weekend classes. A GREAT site with College Info about choosing a Major, Scholarships, Financial Aid, etc.
The College-Level Examination ProgramĀ® (CLEP) helps you receive college credit for what you already know, for a fraction of the cost of a college course. The CLEP test exams are given at local Community College locations. Pass any of the 33 CLEP exams and achieve your college and career goals. Find out how to Register for them on this site.
Iowa Workforce Development Region 3 College Fairs
College Fairs are Great opportunities to find out about multiple colleges and what they have to offer, All in 1 location. They can help you narrow down the list of colleges that you want to Visit and/ or Apply to.
This College Application is accepted by hundreds of colleges, across the US. Check to be sure that it is accepted at the College or University that you are interested in before you apply. Check with the school counselor for more information.
Department of Education Iowa State Bank Iowa Scholarships
Most of these scholarships are applicable to students that are applying to multiple Colleges and Universities, some of these scholarships are only for students going to ISU. Pay close attention to application DEADLINES, APPLY EARLY, & Parents fill out the FAFSA right away after January 1st to be considered for as many scholarships as possible.
Excellent Student Scholarship Search !!
Create a login and Find many scholarships to Apply for, to get help paying for your Education!!
Iowa Lakes link for HS Students To Take Online or TV Classes
Info about Career Academy, PSEO online and TV classes offered on-campus (in Ruthven) and class schedules.
Pay close attention to Application DEADLINES and APPLY EARLY
(For all Juniors/ Seniors and their Parents) A Representative from the IA College Access Network will be at school, the evening of Nov 15th, to present a College Readiness Info Meeting at 7:00 PM and a Financial Aid/ FAFSA Meeting at 7:30 PM. Parents (of Seniors) fill out the FAFSA right away after January 1st to be considered for as many Scholarships, Student Loans, and Grants as possible.
Iowa College Access Network ICAN
View this site to learn about important college planning and financial aid topics that are important to 8th-12th Gr students and parents.
A useful site for students and parents to help plan for Post-Secondary (after HS graduation) options. There is a lot of GREAT information about Developing 4 Yr High School plans and Career Goals, Career Surveys, Colleges, Scholarships, etc. There are sections that students need to complete at school, but there are great resources for students and parents to explore at home as well.
AEA Online Ayrshire Communications Local Scholarship List
Pay close attention to application DEADLINES, APPLY EARLY, & Parents (of graduating Seniors) fill out the FAFSA right away after January 1st to be considered for as many scholarships as possible.
Iowa Lakes CC Financial Aid & Scholarships
Create a login and apply. Pay close attention to deadlines and complete the FAFSA online ASAP. Call or Email the ILCC Financial Aid Office for more info about a specific scholarship or the application process.
Students from Iowa high schools must have a Regent Admission Index score of at least 245 and take the minimum number of required high school courses to qualify for automatic admission to ISU, UNI, or the Univ. of IA. To calculate your unofficial Regent Admission Index score, complete the fields on the listed website.
Military Career Options Website National Association For College Admission Counseling
Excellent resources for students and parents of Collegebound students.
NCAA Athlete Resources & Registration
A Great FREE Scholarship and College Search Website for Students and Parents!!!
Website, for Juniors and Seniors, about beginning their college experience at a Community College (or other school) and transferring to one of the Universities in Iowa. Click here to find out more information about your Postsecondary options.